Subtitling and Eye Movements: Insights from Proficient Viewers
pp. 7-23 | Published Online: August 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.131.1
Rachid Ed-Dali
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Background/purpose. The popularity of foreign-language films and shows with subtitles has been driven by their cost-effectiveness in comparison to audio dubbing. The primary objective of this research was to explore the reading and viewing behaviors of proficient learners in the contemporary era, characterized by significant progress in eye-tracking technologies. These advancements have provided researchers with the capability to precisely analyze eye fixation patterns, offering valuable insights into how individuals engage with written and visual content. Materials/methods. The study’s focus was on adults between the ages of 20 and 40 years old who watched videos with English language soundtracks and Standard Arabic subtitles, as well as videos with Moroccan Arabic and Standard Arabic soundtracks and subtitles. To assess the impact of different subtitling speeds on reading behavior, participants were exposed to varying speeds. Also, a detailed questionnaire was administered to the participants after the sessions in order to obtain further information and the collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. Practical implications. The findings of this study revealed that doctoral candidates spent less time focusing on the subtitles, and some even completely ignored them. Master’s students exhibited similar eye movement patterns to the doctoral candidates, while undergraduates had longer fixation times on the subtitles. |
Conclusion. This research provides valuable insights into how the speed of subtitles influences viewer behavior and has implications for language learning and the production of audiovisual content. By understanding how different subtitling speeds affect reading behavior, language learners and content creators can make informed decisions to enhance the learning experience
Keywords: Eye movement, fixation, advanced learner, viewer, subtitle
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