Volume 3 Issue 1-2 (2014)

Comparison of Geography Self-Efficacy Levels of Students Taking Geography Course

pp. 19-27  |  Published Online: December 2014  |  DOI: 10.12973/unibulletin.312.2

Suleyman Hilmi Sahin


In today’s education world, the fact that students and teachers have high self-efficacy perception ensures that their education life is more efficient. This study aimed to investigate self-efficacy levels of student candidates who received geography education in Social Sciences Teaching and Geography Teaching at the Geography Departments of Faculties of Science and Arts toward geography learning areas in the curriculum. Geography self-efficacy scale and a demographic information form were applied to the participants. As data were not normally distributed, non-parametric Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare geography self-efficacy levels among the variables. Research findings revealed that male students’ geography self-efficacy levels were higher. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the geography self-efficacy levels in the different departments where geography education has been lectured, and these results are discussed in light of the relevant literature.

Keywords: geography, social sciences teaching, geography teaching, self-efficacy perception


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