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Adult Literacy as Part of Literacy Campaign pp. 79-91 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.1 Secil Eda Ozkayran and Aslihan Yetis Abali Full text PDF | Abstract | 5 | 2 Abstract Literacy expresses the ability to understand and perform ordinary and simple actions in daily life. Therefore, being literate is necessary and important in every field for individuals to survive. The main purpose of the study was to reveal the importance of literacy in adult education within the scope of the literacy campaign started in 2018. Phenomenological design, as a form of qualitative research, was utilized in the study. The study group consisted of 24 adults participating in the literacy campaign in the city center of Bartin and at surrounding schools. Data was collected through interviews held with the participants. Data analysis was performed based on content analysis. When the data obtained was examined, the participants were observed to express that they had quite difficulty in running their errands in daily life and maintain their lives depending on other people since they were illiterate. It was also observed that illiteracy had adverse effects on adult psychology. Moreover, the study revealed that literacy is an ability which provides convenience in every phase of life. Keywords: Adult Education, Literacy, Literacy Campaign |
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Active Students in Religious Activities Have High Learning Achievements pp. 92-100 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.2 Haidah Karani and Ali Taufik Full text PDF | Abstract | 3 | 1 Abstract The background of this research is the observation of students’ academic development and above average achievement scores. The author based the research on academic activities undertaken in the spiritual field as a researcher of Islam, and hopes that similar research could be conducted according to other religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. The purpose of this study was to scientifically review the activities of students who are actively involved in Islamic religious activities, and how on average they attain above average grades in their academic performance. The method applied in this research was that of a descriptive qualitative case study model, as the author considers this to be a particularly interesting topic of research. The study included 10 students as participants and informants, and the study period lasted for a total of 14 weeks. The results of the study are considered by the author to be significant, as the participant students’ religious activities were found to have influenced their academic learning achievement. From this analysis, the author identified five important indicators to explain these findings. Keywords: Student, education, achievements, religious activities |
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The Interaction Between Perceived Task Complexity, Individual Work Orientation, and Job Crafting in Explaining Flow Experience at Work pp. 101-113 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.3 Waweru Ibrahim Kahari, Kyakuha Mildred, and Ashaba-JAheebwa Marion Full text PDF | Abstract | 3 | 1 Abstract This study assessed the interaction between perceived task complexity, individual work orientation, and job crafting in explaining flow experience at work. The study was conducted using the National Social Security Fund of Uganda. Individual work orientation and perceived task complexity were assessed as the independent variables, job crafting as the mediating variable, and flow experience as the dependent variable. The study was based on work environments not necessarily being very friendly, yet employees are expected to be happy and post a positive performance. Thus it was expected that the independent variables would boost employees’ proactive behaviors towards achieving peak performance. The study adopted a cross-sectional design employing a quantitative approach. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to a target study group of 387 individuals selected using random sampling. The results indicated that individual work orientation and perceived task complexity were good predictors of job-crafting behavior amongst employees, which is considered a proactive effort to redesign one’s work in order to make it more bearable or interesting. Equally, it was found that job crafting is one of the means of fostering flow experience which is characterized by work enjoyment, intrinsic motivation, and absorption. Given the results, it can be deduced that when the work is not clear or is complex, employees tend to proactively seek ways to make it easier through different initiatives; driven by their internal work desires they proactively seek for ways to achieve their end result successfully. When this is done, their work becomes more enjoyable, and they apply fully their concentration. Keywords: Task complexity, job crafting, individual work orientations, flow experience. |
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Attitudes of Non-disabled Students towards Inclusion of Peers with Visual Impairment in Tanzanian Regular Education pp. 114-128 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.4 Orestes Silverius Kapinga Full text PDF | Abstract | 6 | 4 Abstract The study investigated the attitudes of non-disabled students towards the inclusion of peers with visual impairment in Tanzania’s regular education classrooms. In particular, it examined the differences between male and female students in their attitudes on the inclusion of peers with visual impairment in regular secondary schools; the influence of class level; and the influence of school type on attitudes towards inclusion. Three regular secondary schools were purposively selected and a total of 283 non-disabled students participated in the study. The findings showed that A-level students held more positive attitudes compared to O-level students. Furthermore, the attitudes of non-disabled students towards the inclusion of students with visual impairment were associated with the student’s school type. Moreover, the attitudes of non-disabled students towards the inclusion of peers with visual impairment were positive among non-disabled female students compared to non-disabled male students. The study recommends for greater participation of non-disabled students on issues pertaining to inclusive education. Keywords: Orestes Silverius Kapinga |
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Secondary School EFL Students’ Perceptions of The Flipped Classroom in Terms of Autonomy, Language Skills, Technological Attitudes, and Motivation pp. 129-155 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.5 Ozkan Kirmizi and Funda Komec Full text PDF | Abstract | 3 | 1 Abstract The current study was undertaken in order to investigate EFL students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom in terms of autonomy, language skills, technological attitudes and motivation at the secondary school level. The participants of the study were 113 high school students enrolled at a Turkish science high school. A mixed-method research design was adopted in the study. In order to collect quantitative data, a questionnaire was applied which included six sections: (1) Participant Gender and Grade; (2) Flipped Classrooms and Autonomous Learning; (3) Flipped Classrooms and Language Skills; (4) Flipped Classrooms and Technological Attitudes; (5) Flipped Classrooms and Motivation; and (6) Advantages and Disadvantages of Flipped Classrooms, and Suggestions for Improvements (open-ended questions). For the study’s qualitative data, a semi-structured interview approach was employed. Both the questionnaire and the interviews were administered in Turkish, so as to prevent any miscomprehension problems by the participants. The study’s results indicate that the participant students favor flipped classrooms, and that they generally held positive perceptions of flipped classrooms in terms of autonomy, language skills, technological attitudes, and motivation. Keywords: Flipped classroom, mixed-method design, EFL students, evaluation of CALL, learner autonomy, technological attitudes, motivation. |
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