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Authentic Learning in Science and Technical Education (STE) to Enhance Technologies in Education, Nigeria pp. 7-18 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.1 Aina Jacob Kola and Ajiboye Kehinde
Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss the enhancement of technology in education through authentic learning in science and technical education in the case of Nigeria. The authors reviewed numerous academic journals and books on authentic learning, science and technical education in order to support their position. The study is concerned with the challenges of the slow pace of technological development in Nigeria amidst the global burgeoning of science and technology. The authors attributed this problem to the absence of authentic learning in science and technical education in the Nigerian school system. Authentic learning is active learning where students are actively involved in the learning process. The study reviews nine elements of authentic learning with its application to science and technical education as a foundation for quality technologies in education. The paper discusses the relationship between science education and technical education. It concludes that in order to achieve quality technologies in education that match the technological needs of the Nigerian labor market requires authentic learning in science and technical education. The paper also discusses its implications for Nigeria at a national level.
Keywords: authentic learning, science education, technical education, pedagogy |
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Transformation in one UK University: Impact on Employees of a Dental School pp. 19-29 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.2 Abdurahman M. Salem and Abubaker S. Qutieshat
Abstract University transformation has been previously studied, but little research on the effect of organizational transformation on dental schools has been reported. The purpose of this work was to analyze the impact of the transformation on full-time faculty members of a dental school at a UK university. In addition, the study aimed to understand the perception for change and the environment surrounding the transformational plan by means of a questionnaire distributed among 30 faculty members. Negative attitudes predominated among the employees. Perhaps this was somewhat related to a lack of information and communication. Several issues surfaced as those of concern to the employees: (1) the plan’s negative manifestations has already had an impact through changes implemented on staff such as downgrading and forcing employees into either voluntary severance or redundancy which has led to an increased workload and an overall sensation of staff uncertainty and job insecurity; (2) the plan lacked an explicit underlying objective, framework and strategic basis; (3) the plan eased a rather undesirable expeditious execution of staff grading processes that were held hastily under stressful situations. Only very few positive issues were mentioned such as an improved managerial system and committee structures within the school. Overall, most employees revealed a degree of stress and uncertainty. Keywords: University transformation, education management, university, staff |
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Local Development Effects of Largescale Agricultural Investments: A Case Study of Gimbo, Decha and Tella Woredas, Kaffa Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia pp. 30-43 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.3 Bisrat Gebru Wolde and Fekadu Tolossa
Abstract This study is concerned with the study of the local development effects of largescale agricultural investments. In this study largescale agricultural investments are taken as those agricultural activities which produce for commercial purposes holding a land area of more than 50 hectares. The study is limited to the effects on infrastructure; access to market by smallholder local farmers; productive assets; and vegetation cover. Geographically, this study is concerned with the largescale agricultural investments in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS), Ethiopia; specifically the Gimbo, Decha and Tello Woredas of Kaffa zone. Keywords: Agricultural investments, case study of Gimbo, Ethiopia |
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Effect of Universal Rural Road Access Program (URRAP) on Rural Households’ Sociocultural Features: The Case of Jimma and Bunno Bedele Zones, South Western Ethiopia pp. 44-62 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.4 Hassen Nagesso Gafarso and Milkessa Edae Tufa
Abstract Ethiopia has been undertaking numerous development projects with the objective of taking the country to the middle-income bracket in the near future. The Universal Rural Road Access Program (URRAP) road in Jimma and Bunno Bedele zones is among such projects. Though this project is intended to bring about significant positive change, there are unintended consequences on sociocultural elements of rural households. Accordingly, this study investigated the impact of URRAP road on the sociocultural transformation of rural households. A household survey for randomly selected household heads and in-depth interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and observation for purposively selected samples were employed in the study. Data were then analyzed quantitatively by using SPSS statistical data software and qualitatively through thematic method. The findings of the study show that URRAP road has had both positive and negative impacts on sociocultural elements such as family organization, social interaction, education, health, and both material and non-material cultural elements of rural households. Finally, URRAP road is experiencing problems, and is in need of extensive and frequent supervision and monitoring, as well as inclusive, interdisciplinary and sound strategies and policies by responsible bodies at all levels and contexts. Keywords: URRAP, social aspects, cultural elements, rural households |
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Pedagogical Analysis of the Role Models Chosen by High School Students pp. 63-75 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.5 Necdet Aykac and Hilal Bilgin
Abstract It is considered that role models have a significant influence on individuals’ personality development, academic and occupational careers, social lives and lifestyles. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to determine the role models taken by high school students and to analyze them pedagogically. One of the qualitative research models, case study, was employed in the study. A semi-structured interview form was developed as a data collection tool and was applied to 374 high school students. Content analysis was utilized in order to analyze the data. According to the results, it was identified that the high school students adopted mostly famous people from TV or social media as role models. However, it was also determined that teachers took the lowest place among the role models. Additionally, the students mentioned that they considered fame and prestige as the most important factors when determining their role models. Finally, it was seen that the high school students chose different role models when compared in terms of their grade and school type. Keywords: Role models, pedagogical analysis, high school students |
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Relationship Between Academic Ability and Environmental Problem-Solving Skill: A Case Study at Adiwiyata Schools in Tangerang City, Indonesia pp. 76-86 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.6 Lenny Prastiwi, Diana Vivanti Sigit and Rizhal Hendi Ristanto
Abstract The environmental problem-solving skill is influenced by many factors, including academic ability. This study aims to analyze the relationship between academic ability and environmental problem-solving skill. The research method employed for this study was quantitative descriptive with survey technique. The number of respondents consisted of 245 Grade 11 science students from three Adiwiyata Senior High Schools in Tangerang City, Indonesia. Academic ability was measured by using the National Examination score of students in Junior High School, while environmental problem-solving skill was measured by way of an essay test. The results showed a weak positive relationship through the regression model (= 6.596 + .520X). The correlation coefficient obtained was .340 and the determination coefficient was 11.6%. Higher academic ability scores indicate better environmental problem-solving skills of the students. Based on the results of the study, other Indonesian schools should also implement the Adiwiyata programs in order to improve their students’ academic ability and environmental problem-solving skills. Keywords: Adiwiyata school, environmental problem-solving skill, academic ability |
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Cultural Responses to Lightning: The Case of Maccaa Oromo pp. 87-99 | Published Online: September 2019 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2019.81.7 Terefe Mitiku, Milkessa Edae and Jinenus Wako
Abstract This work investigated Oromo cultural responses to lightning. In the work, sociocultural factors affecting the performance during responses are also discussed. Furthermore, the paper also examines and describes different rituals and taboos regarding lightning. Strategies used by the communities to minimize risk caused by lightning are also identified. Different spiritual and physical responses performed during and after lightning are justified according to worldview and the beliefs that guide the daily life of the Oromo people. Grief and sorrow are expressed with more acceptable taboo words such as using euphemisms and metaphoric expressions. In the course of a performance, each and every activity is directed by spiritual leaders and community elders, according to the cultural and religious norms of the society. Explanations with regards to the importance of certain rituals or activities and words are included. In addition, details for why certain taboos are accompanied by particular cultural rituals are presented. Community members who are the main actors during rituals are also identified. The ritual participants, types of sacrifice, and the roles of actors in the performance of rituals are also mentioned in this paper. Finally, the paper discusses the changes and continuities observed regarding the ritual and its process. Keywords: Oromo, folklore, lightning, belief, taboo |
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