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Identification of Student Thinking Error Patterns in Construction of Mathematical Proof pp. 7-14 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.1 Anton Prayitno and Febi Dwi Widayanti Full text PDF | Abstract | 5 | 3 Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify patterns of student thinking errors in constructing mathematics proof. Therefore, the study employed a mixed-method approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative paradigms. The subjects of this study were second-generation mathematics education students at Wisnuwardhana University and Kanjuruhan University, Indonesia. The results obtained showed that the pattern of students’ thinking errors in the construction of mathematical proof was due to insufficient initial knowledge about the definition of proof, and difficulties in connecting the concepts of rational numbers when operating two rational numbers. Keywords: Student thinking error, error pattern, mathematical proof |
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Causes and Impacts of Foreign Currency Reserve Crises in Ethiopia pp. 15-27 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.2 Minhaj Alam and Gedifew Sewenet Yigzaw Full text PDF | Abstract | 19 | 2 Abstract The main objective of this study is to explore the current phenomena of a foreign currency reserve crisis in Ethiopia, its causes and its negative impacts upon the Ethiopian national economy. This study employed a descriptive research method due to the nature of the phenomena. Secondary data sources, such as reports of international and national financial organizations, business review reports, published articles, and online Internet sources were used, and the secondary source data were analyzed thematically. Accordingly, this study shows that foreign currency reserve crises are a considerable challenge for the sustainable development of Ethiopia. Recently, the Ethiopian economy has been significantly affected by the impact of a foreign currency crisis, with the Ethiopian Birr performing weakly against major foreign currencies within the global competitive market. Moreover, this study revealed that the widespread and severe level of corruption and the country’s weak export earnings capacity are considered as the major contributing factors for the country’s foreign currency crises. Resource embezzlement and fraud has led the country to a severe foreign currency reserve crisis, an upscale of the black market economy, and a considerable weakening of Ethiopia’s capacity to export goods in today’s international competitive market against currencies such as the US Dollar. This leads the country to an increasingly vulnerable national economy through increasing heavy debt distress. This study suggests that the Government of Ethiopia should further strengthen the capacity of anti-corruption agencies in their fight against a critical level of corruption and to develop better strategies to enhance the country’s export earnings capacity. Keywords: Foreign currency reserve crisis, corruption, debt distress, export earnings, national economy |
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Intercultural Communication in the Multicultural World pp. 28-36 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.3 Anzhelina A. Koriakina Full text PDF | Abstract | 5 | 4 Abstract Today’s intercultural communication forms the basis for designing the multicultural world, and represents an important and interesting area of research. This article focusses on the problems of modern intercultural communication and aims to determine and justify the role of intercultural communication in the construction of the multicultural world. This is achieved through the identification of the characteristics of intercultural communication, leading to the establishment of mutual understanding and the formation of solidarity. The theoretical significance of this article lies in its qualitative research based on the analysis of the literature on intercultural communication, clarification of the key concepts, and the formulation of conclusions. The article is devoted to the study of intercultural communication from the perspective of Lasswell’s (1948) model, which distinguished the communicative act as based on five components: communicator, recipient, message, channel, and effect. The nature of intercultural communication is revealed through the analysis of these five components. The message, as a component of the communicative act, is understood as a message transmitted in a specific language. Communicator and recipient are considered as representatives of different cultures who may have diametrically opposing characteristics. The perspective channel of effective intercultural communication is seen as the increasing use of modern information technologies, whilst the effect is in constructive communication forming the basis of cultural integration. Keywords: Intercultural communication, communication, culture, communicative act, national cultures |
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Drivers of Students’ Satisfaction at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: A Holistic Approach pp. 37-49 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.4 Faieza Chowdhury and Syka Parvin Full text PDF | Abstract | 9 | 5 Abstract This study examines the various factors of education service which can influence students’ satisfaction at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. The sample size consisted of 373 students from a private university in Bangladesh. The study focuses on both the tangible and intangible elements of education, namely “Organizational structure and facilities,” “Faculty and teaching,” “Branding and promotion,” “Industry links,” “Fees structure,” “Financial assistance,” and “Skills development and extracurricular activities.” The results of the regression analysis reveal that all the seven independent variables have a positive impact on students’ satisfaction, nevertheless, only four of the independent variables were found to have a significant effect, namely “Organizational structure and facilities,” “Faculty and teaching,” “Branding and promotion,” and “Industry links.” The findings from this study will assist educators and policymakers to take appropriate initiatives in order to produce high quality graduates in Bangladesh by satisfying all the needs of their customers. Keywords: Student satisfaction, Private University, Tertiary level, Regression analysis, Bangladesh |
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Integration of Game-Based Learning as a Teaching Method in Elementary Education pp. 50-61 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.5 Eliza Avdiu Full text PDF | Abstract | 4 | 1 Abstract The education system in Kosovo is facing contemporary reform changes; moving from the inherited traditional system to a children activity-oriented form of teaching, where the objective is game-based learning. The purpose of this study is to form an understanding of the integration of game-based learning as a teaching method, and its challenges in application within the Kosovan elementary school teaching process. In the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 teachers from eight elementary schools. The study data were based on the descriptive analysis of the teachers’ opinions, as well as observation of their teaching by the researchers. According to the findings of the study, the importance of integrating game-based learning in elementary education lies in changing the position of the pupil in the school, facilitating a sense of joy from using games during classroom lessons, and thereby enabling their free expression, to learn and to be appreciated without fear; which is something they may have been reluctant to do in Kosovan society. The results of the study present a challenging picture for Kosovan teachers in coping with integrating and delivering game-based learning as part of the curriculum reform; accordingly, the results seen in practice are not deemed to be satisfactory. Many problems exist with the use of games in the classroom such as lack of adequate teacher training, lack of textbooks and teaching aids, inadequate school facilities, and large numbers of pupils in the classroom. Keywords: Integration, method, game-based learning, pupils, elementary education |
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Impact of Human Resource Management on Teachers’ Productivity in Colleges of Education in North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria pp. 62-72 | Published Online: September 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.6 Appolus Azunwanne Amaechi and Nkechi Obiweluozor Full text PDF | Abstract | 4 | 2 Abstract Colleges of education are established to train teachers for the education sector. The poor quality of teacher education in North Central zone of Nigeria is a source of concern to the general public. This paper assesses the impact of human resource management on teachers’ productivity in colleges of education in the North Central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The researchers adopted the descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprises all 11 colleges of education in North Central, with a combined staff of 4,914. The stratified and purposive random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 495 staff, stratified as academic and non-academic as participants in the research. A 15-item researcher-developed questionnaire titled “Impact of Human Resource Management on Teachers Productivity Questionnaire (IHRMTPQ)” was used as the instrument for data collection. Three research questions and one null-hypothesis guided the study. The data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and percentage scores. The Chi-Square statistic was used to test the null-hypothesis at the .05 level of probability. The findings revealed that the recruitment processes, training and development, and staff welfare significantly impact on teachers’ productivity in colleges of education. A conclusion was drawn and one area of recommendation of the study was that administrators of colleges of education in the zone should follow stipulated due process in their recruitment processes, increase staff training and development, and improve on staff welfare so as to motivate teachers to achieve greater levels of professional performance, which will in turn increase their productivity. This study is hinged on the Barnard-Simon theory of organizational equilibrium which can be explicitly related to performance. Keywords: Human resource, management, teacher productivity, motivation, Nigeria. |
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