Volume 9 Issue 1 (2020)

Integration of Game-Based Learning as a Teaching Method in Elementary Education

pp. 50-61  |  Published Online: September 2020  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.5

Eliza Avdiu


The education system in Kosovo is facing contemporary reform changes; moving from the inherited traditional system to a children activity-oriented form of teaching, where the objective is game-based learning. The purpose of this study is to form an understanding of the integration of game-based learning as a teaching method, and its challenges in application within the Kosovan elementary school teaching process. In the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 teachers from eight elementary schools. The study data were based on the descriptive analysis of the teachers’ opinions, as well as observation of their teaching by the researchers. According to the findings of the study, the importance of integrating game-based learning in elementary education lies in changing the position of the pupil in the school, facilitating a sense of joy from using games during classroom lessons, and thereby enabling their free expression, to learn and to be appreciated without fear; which is something they may have been reluctant to do in Kosovan society. The results of the study present a challenging picture for Kosovan teachers in coping with integrating and delivering game-based learning as part of the curriculum reform; accordingly, the results seen in practice are not deemed to be satisfactory. Many problems exist with the use of games in the classroom such as lack of adequate teacher training, lack of textbooks and teaching aids, inadequate school facilities, and large numbers of pupils in the classroom.

Keywords: Integration, method, game-based learning, pupils, elementary education


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