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Multicultural Approach to Education from the Russian View pp. 7-12 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.1 Anzhelina A. Koriakina Full text PDF | Abstract | 3152 | 2565 Abstract The article discusses the definition of a multicultural approach to education from the Russian view. The application of a multicultural approach to education in Russia is shown. Features of a multicultural approach - dialogue of cultures in historical and contemporary context, cultural pluralism, multi-ethnicity – are found. It is concluded that a multicultural approach to education is an educational approach aimed at finding a balance between ethno-cultural diversity and stable social ties, preserving and promoting the variety of ethnic and cultural realities with a view to the progressive development of an individual in a multicultural society. It is revealed that in Russia the term ‘multicultural approach to education’ is used in the meaning ‘multiethnic’ as it aims to preserve and promote the diversity of ethnic and cultural values, norms, patterns and forms of activity prevailing in the society, and to transfer this heritage to younger generations. Keywords: multicultural approach to education, multi-ethnicity, dialogue of diverse cultures, cultural pluralism |
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Attitude Exploration Using Factor Analysis Technique pp. 13-25 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.2 Monika Raghuvanshi Full text PDF | Abstract | 2984 | 2561 Abstract Attitude is a psychological variable that contains positive or negative evaluation about people or an environment. The growing generation possesses learning skills, so if positive attitude is inculcated at the right age, it might therefore become habitual. Students in the age group 14-20 years from the city of Bikaner, India, are the target population for this study. An inventory of 30Likert-type scale statements was prepared in order to measure attitude towards the environment and matters related to conservation. The primary data is collected though a structured questionnaire, using cluster sampling technique and analyzed using the IBM SPSS 23 statistical tool. Factor analysis is used to reduce 30 variables to a smaller number of more identifiable groups of variables. Results show that students “need more regulation and voluntary participation to protect the environment”, “need conservation of water and electricity”, “are concerned for undue wastage of water”, “need visible actions to protect the environment”, “need strengthening of the public transport system”, “are a little bit ignorant about the consequences of global warming”, “want prevention of water pollution by industries”, “need changing of personal habits to protect the environment”, and “don’t have firsthand experience of global warming”. Analysis revealed that nine factors obtained could explain about 58.5% variance in the attitude of secondary school students towards the environment in the city of Bikaner, India. The remaining 39.6% variance is attributed to other elements not explained by this analysis. A global campaign for improvement in attitude about environmental issues and its utility in daily lives may boost positive youth attitudes, potentially impacting worldwide. A cross-disciplinary approach may be developed by teaching along with other related disciplines such as science, economics, and social studies etc. Keywords: attitude, environment, youths, factor analysis technique |
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Capacity Building Activities for Educational Stakeholders for Improving the Quality of Education pp. 26-37 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.3 Ikhfan Haris Full text PDF | Abstract | 3292 | 2679 Abstract The commitment of the Indonesian Government to improve the quality of education over the last decade has continued to pose a serious challenge to all stakeholders in the education system. One of the strategic approaches to improving education quality is through the employment of capacity building activities. This paper deals with capacity building activities for educational stakeholders in Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia during the implementation of the Nusa Tenggara Timur Partnership Education Program (NTT PEP). Specifically, attention will be on the capacity building activities for education stakeholders such as school principals, school supervisors, Dinas Pendidikan (District Education Office) staff, and school committee members in Kabupaten Sikka. Efforts will focus on how the capacity building activities have affected the performance of the schools in Kabupaten Sikka and how this has also been reflected in the level of improvement of education in Indonesia. Finally, what can be learned from the capacity building activities in Kabupaten Sikka will be highlighted. Keywords: capacity building, school, system, improvement, stakeholder, education |
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Reflections of Neoliberal Perspective on Education in the Ninth Development Plan pp. 38-52 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.4 Fahrettin Korkmaz, Serkan Unsal Full text PDF | Abstract | 3165 | 2551 Abstract Development plans are documents that cover a country’s future predictions on different fields such as health, education, agriculture, and industry. They also state what public and private sectors do and what they need to do in the future, as official papers including governments’ predictions on the country’s future, development plans may be affected by different ideologies. Like many other developing countries, Turkey has started to be affected by neoliberalism since the 1980s. How can this affect be seen in the development plans? On which clauses in the development plans can the reflection of neoliberalism be explicitly or implicitly observed? Which term and principles related to neoliberalism take place in which clauses within the development plan? Within the scope of stated problems, Turkey’s Ninth Development Plan is analyzed and discussed in this study. The current study applied documentary analysis, one of the qualitative research designs. As a result, some clauses of the Ninth Development Plan have been determined to be closely related with education and the economy. It has also been found that almost all clauses related to education in the development plan include some neoliberalism associated terms such as workforce, employment, and workforce competence. Keywords: development plan, neoliberalism, neoliberalism, education |
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An Investigation of Performance-Based Assessment at High Schools pp. 53-65 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.5 Ozkan Kirmizi, Funda Komec Full text PDF | Abstract | 3064 | 2628 Abstract The current study was undertaken in order to investigate teachers’ and students’ perceptions of performance-based assessment in English lessons at Turkish high schools. The study employs both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The participants of the study were 20 high school teachers and 124 high school students. In order to collect qualitative data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers; and for quantitative data, a questionnaire was administered to the students. According to the qualitative data, teachers in general complain about problems in application, lack of time, and lack of effort on the part of students who use the Internet improperly. The quantitative data indicates that the most preferred method on the part of students is exams, and that students find exams the most effective testing method, enabling them to demonstrate their language potential. In addition, performance-based assessment is not considered fair by either teachers or students. Teachers expressed concerns about evaluating performance tasks properly. Keywords: performance-based assessment, exams, participation |
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Students’ Perceptions of Language Testing and Assessment in Higher Education pp. 66-77 | Published Online: December 2016 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2016.512.6 Reyhan Agcam, M. Pinar Babanoglu Full text PDF | Abstract | 3552 | 2785 Abstract Assessment is any of a variety of procedures used to obtain information about student performance (Linn & Gronlund, 2000, p. 32). As reported by Pellegrino, Chudowsky, and Glaser (2001), it provides feedback to students, educators, parents, policy makers, and the public about the effectiveness of educational services. Related research on language testing and assessment in foreign language education, which is one of the most controversial issues in Turkey, have been carried out with a focus on perspectives of teachers rather than the students who obviously play the leading role in the process. Hence, the current study is primarily motivated to explore the perceptions of students on foreign language assessment in higher education in Turkey. A total of 103 undergraduate students attending an English Language Preparatory Program at a state university in Turkey took part in the study. They were assigned a questionnaire consisting of open- and closed-ended items to reveal their perceptions on the applications of language assessment in higher education (e.g. core language skills, assessment types employed in testing foreign language development, and types of questions used in the tests throughout an academic year). The findings have demonstrated that most participants found assessment necessary in their foreign language education, and that speaking and listening are considered the most important skills, while grammar and reading are regarded as the least important. As for question types, Selected Response Items (e.g. Matching, MC, Odd-one-out, and T-F) have revealed the most-favored by students in comparison to the Constructed Response Items (e.g. Sentence Completion, Wh- Questions, and etc.) and Personal Response items (e.g. writing a paragraph), which might be attributed to the less challenging and demanding structure of the selected response items. The study concludes with a few pedagogical implications on language assessment in higher education, and suggestions for further directions. Keywords: EFL, testing, assessment, higher education |
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