Volume 9 Issue 1 (2020)

Impact of Human Resource Management on Teachers’ Productivity in Colleges of Education in North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria

pp. 62-72  |  Published Online: September 2020  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.6

Appolus Azunwanne Amaechi and Nkechi Obiweluozor


Colleges of education are established to train teachers for the education sector. The poor quality of teacher education in North Central zone of Nigeria is a source of concern to the general public. This paper assesses the impact of human resource management on teachers’ productivity in colleges of education in the North Central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The researchers adopted the descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprises all 11 colleges of education in North Central, with a combined staff of 4,914. The stratified and purposive random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 495 staff, stratified as academic and non-academic as participants in the research. A 15-item researcher-developed questionnaire titled “Impact of Human Resource Management on Teachers Productivity Questionnaire (IHRMTPQ)” was used as the instrument for data collection. Three research questions and one null-hypothesis guided the study. The data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and percentage scores. The Chi-Square statistic was used to test the null-hypothesis at the .05 level of probability. The findings revealed that the recruitment processes, training and development, and staff welfare significantly impact on teachers’ productivity in colleges of education. A conclusion was drawn and one area of recommendation of the study was that administrators of colleges of education in the zone should follow stipulated due process in their recruitment processes, increase staff training and development, and improve on staff welfare so as to motivate teachers to achieve greater levels of professional performance, which will in turn increase their productivity. This study is hinged on the Barnard-Simon theory of organizational equilibrium which can be explicitly related to performance.

Keywords: Human resource, management, teacher productivity, motivation, Nigeria.


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