Volume 9 Issue 1 (2020)

Drivers of Students’ Satisfaction at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: A Holistic Approach

pp. 37-49  |  Published Online: September 2020  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.4

Faieza Chowdhury and Syka Parvin


This study examines the various factors of education service which can influence students’ satisfaction at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. The sample size consisted of 373 students from a private university in Bangladesh. The study focuses on both the tangible and intangible elements of education, namely “Organizational structure and facilities,” “Faculty and teaching,” “Branding and promotion,” “Industry links,” “Fees structure,” “Financial assistance,” and “Skills development and extracurricular activities.” The results of the regression analysis reveal that all the seven independent variables have a positive impact on students’ satisfaction, nevertheless, only four of the independent variables were found to have a significant effect, namely “Organizational structure and facilities,” “Faculty and teaching,” “Branding and promotion,” and “Industry links.” The findings from this study will assist educators and policymakers to take appropriate initiatives in order to produce high quality graduates in Bangladesh by satisfying all the needs of their customers.

Keywords: Student satisfaction, Private University, Tertiary level, Regression analysis, Bangladesh


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