Volume 9 Issue 1 (2020)

Intercultural Communication in the Multicultural World

pp. 28-36  |  Published Online: September 2020  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.91.3

Anzhelina A. Koriakina


Today’s intercultural communication forms the basis for designing the multicultural world, and represents an important and interesting area of research. This article focusses on the problems of modern intercultural communication and aims to determine and justify the role of intercultural communication in the construction of the multicultural world. This is achieved through the identification of the characteristics of intercultural communication, leading to the establishment of mutual understanding and the formation of solidarity. The theoretical significance of this article lies in its qualitative research based on the analysis of the literature on intercultural communication, clarification of the key concepts, and the formulation of conclusions. The article is devoted to the study of intercultural communication from the perspective of Lasswell’s (1948) model, which distinguished the communicative act as based on five components: communicator, recipient, message, channel, and effect. The nature of intercultural communication is revealed through the analysis of these five components. The message, as a component of the communicative act, is understood as a message transmitted in a specific language. Communicator and recipient are considered as representatives of different cultures who may have diametrically opposing characteristics. The perspective channel of effective intercultural communication is seen as the increasing use of modern information technologies, whilst the effect is in constructive communication forming the basis of cultural integration.

Keywords: Intercultural communication, communication, culture, communicative act, national cultures


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