Secondary School EFL Students’ Perceptions of The Flipped Classroom in Terms of Autonomy, Language Skills, Technological Attitudes, and Motivation
pp. 129-155 | Published Online: December 2020 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2020.92.5
Ozkan Kirmizi and Funda Komec
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The current study was undertaken in order to investigate EFL students’ perceptions of the flipped classroom in terms of autonomy, language skills, technological attitudes and motivation at the secondary school level. The participants of the study were 113 high school students enrolled at a Turkish science high school. A mixed-method research design was adopted in the study. In order to collect quantitative data, a questionnaire was applied which included six sections: (1) Participant Gender and Grade; (2) Flipped Classrooms and Autonomous Learning; (3) Flipped Classrooms and Language Skills; (4) Flipped Classrooms and Technological Attitudes; (5) Flipped Classrooms and Motivation; and (6) Advantages and Disadvantages of Flipped Classrooms, and Suggestions for Improvements (open-ended questions). For the study’s qualitative data, a semi-structured interview approach was employed. Both the questionnaire and the interviews were administered in Turkish, so as to prevent any miscomprehension problems by the participants. The study’s results indicate that the participant students favor flipped classrooms, and that they generally held positive perceptions of flipped classrooms in terms of autonomy, language skills, technological attitudes, and motivation.
Keywords: Flipped classroom, mixed-method design, EFL students, evaluation of CALL, learner autonomy, technological attitudes, motivation.
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