Volume 4 Issue 1-2 (2015)

Assigning Course Supervision to School Principals from Educational Supervisors: Effects on Teachers

pp. 52-63  |  Published Online: December 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/unibulletin.412.5

Tuncay Yavuz Ozdemir


The inspectional structure of the National Education System in Turkey changed with a regulation which came into forced in 2015, which passed school principals the responsibility for teachers’ course control. The primary purpose of this study is to reveal teacher opinions on the new implementation which emerged from the change in the supervisory system. The study group consists of branch teachers for this study under the qualitative research method. Results indicate that supervision conducted by both supervisors and principals is not perfect. However, when considered generally, teachers find the supervision carried out by the principals to be positive. The results emphasize that there should be a standard for the supervisions conducted by principals and ethical codes should be set for objective/unbiased teacher supervision. It was also observed that course supervision competences of school principals are not at the desired levels; thus, school principals should be trained on supervision. 

Keywords: teacher supervision, principal, teacher opinions


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