An Integrated Approach to Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh
pp. 32-44 | Published Online: May 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.61.3
Abdullahil Mamun, Mohammad Rahim Uddin, Mohammad Tauhidul Islam
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The study critically examines the state of the Islamic Microfinance sector of Bangladesh to find its role in addressing poverty. The study constitutes linkage between Islamic Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation. It is a desk-based and library-oriented research relying on secondary data, structured on research objectives. Islamic microfinance organizations have not yet developed to the expected level in Bangladesh and thus Muslim citizens are compelled to borrow from conventional interest-based lending sources, but many underprivileged and small-scale entrepreneurs feel unable to access funding due to their religious ideology. Islamic concern for the disadvantaged makes it crucial to ensure Islamic microfinance services include their participation in the production process. Due to a lack of Islamic microfinance institutions in Bangladesh, the integration of Islamic microfinance with NGOs, NPOs (non-profit organizations), Zakah, Waqf, and capacity-building institutions to facilitate small-scale financial services to the poor can internalize them into the market mechanism and thereby work as a powerful tool for poverty eradication. This study proposes a new framework that directly addresses Islamic Microfinance and Poverty alleviation in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Microfinance, NGOs, NPOs, Zakah, Waqf, Poverty Alleviation
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