An Overview of the Problems of Visual Arts Classes Within the Turkish Education System and Suggested Solutions
pp. 7-18 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2017.62.1
A. Cem Ozal
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System is a structure that operates within the relevant field with minimum error enabling attainment of an end-product as intended. It is only natural to encounter disruptions or deviations in human-induced systems. Nevertheless, any system targeting the training of individuals is a sensitive structure that should be designed meticulously since it is a long-term effort where consequences may significantly and directly affect the lives of the individuals within the system. The primary goals of the Turkish education system are clearly stated in the Basic Law of National Education. Although there are several formative studies such as curriculum design or system amendments within the system in compliance with these main goals, there are also certain obstacles or factors that adversely affect the achievement of these goals. This current study aims to identify and reveal the key problems that are preventing the achievement of the intended goals for the Visual Arts courses within the Turkish education system. Within this framework, identified problems are discussed from the perspective of decisions taken at the National Education Councils on teaching hours and permanent staff application, lack of physical spaces such as workshops and classrooms, teacher training, and employment, followed by a set of recommendations for possible solutions.
Keywords: visual arts education, arts education, arts
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