Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

Influence of Social Networking Sites as a Teaching Aid on Students’ Academic Performance and Satisfaction Level

pp. 26-39  |  Published Online: June 2021  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2021.101.2

Faieza Chowdhury, Syka Parvin and Aruna Anwar


Background/purpose – Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and social media have revolutionized daily life practically worldwide, providing opportunities to connect with others from almost anywhere in the world and at any time. As a nation, Bangladesh is one of the largest users of social media as people from all age groups spend much of their time as its users. Although SNSs can create certain problems such as lack of privacy and cyberbullying, it can also provide users with various benefits too. In this study, we explore the influence of SNSs on students’ academic performance and satisfaction levels in Bangladesh.

Materials/methods – A preliminary survey was conducted with 100 students in Bangladesh at the tertiary level to gather data on how SNSs as a teaching tool in the class can influence their academic performance and satisfaction. The STATA statistical software was utilized to conduct t-test and to generate the results.

Results – The findings indicate that although the difference in academic performance of both the control and experimental groups remained statistically insignificant, students from the experimental group expressed higher levels of satisfaction in terms of learning.

Conclusion – The study highlights the efficacy of incorporating popular social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook as tools in the classroom which can help students to enhance their learning.

Keywords: Student satisfaction, Student performance, Social network, HEIs, Bangladesh.


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