Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)

An Overview of International Migration Data from Vietnam

pp. 7-27  |  Published Online: December 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.112.1

Chi Hong Nguyen


Background/purpose – Data on Vietnamese internal migration are always available and are also validated and well confirmed by a large body of research. However, the same does not seem to hold true for data on international migration from Vietnam. This limitation impedes a proper understanding of Vietnamese migration patterns over time, thus limiting reliable predictions of future trends for policy-making  processes.

Materials/methods – Through synthesis of information retrieved from multiple secondary sources, this article presents general data on popular forms of Vietnamese international migration which include labor export programs, family streams, human trafficking, transnational marriages, and studying abroad.

Results – This article identified at least five streams of international migration from Vietnam, presented with comprehensive and consistent data.

Conclusion – The purpose of this article is to provide a consistent overview of the inconsistent data scattered across various reporting agencies and to analyze and report on the migration trends, drivers, and challenges to migration policy regimes. The unified information in this paper is considered useful for future research on migration and migration policy planning from and within Asia.

Keywords: international migration data from Vietnam, labor migration, transnational marriage, family migration, skilled migration, international student mobility


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