Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)

Assessing the Quality of Arguments in Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving

pp. 28-40  |  Published Online: December 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.112.2

Hendra Kartika, Mega Teguh Budiarto


Background/purpose – Argumentation plays an essential role in higher-order activities and in the communication of mathematical knowledge. Although the purposes of argumentation have piqued the interest of many researchers, few have simultaneously investigated the quality of argument in students’ mathematical problem solving.

Materials/methods – In this case study, 41 middle school students in Indonesia solved an argumentative task. The students’ responses were then analyzed for the quality of their arguments. In line with the study’s goal of assessing the quality of the students’ arguments in mathematical problem solving, their responses were coded according to the Polya method and the CER model.

Results – The results revealed that more than half of the students misunderstood the given mathematical problems, which were not appropriately evidenced or reasoned in their response.

Conclusion – These results indicate that further handling is needed to improve the quality of students' arguments and to develop the importance of activities that support students in explaining, justifying, and correcting their reasoning during mathematical argumentation.

Keywords: argumentation, argument, CER model, middle school, Polya method, problem solving


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