Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)

Awareness and Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in Technical Teacher Education in Tertiary Institutions, Rivers State, Nigeria

pp. 62-79  |  Published Online: December 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2022.112.4

Legborsi Nwineh


Background/purpose – This study investigated the level of awareness and implementation of elements of education for sustainable development in technical teacher education programs in tertiary institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Materials/methods – Descriptive survey design was employed to collect data using a validated questionnaire to elicit both closed- and open-ended responses. The study sample consisted of 117 participants including 29 teachers and 88 final-year students purposively selected from three tertiary institutions that offer a technical teacher education program in Rivers State, Nigeria. Data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages and the results presented using charts and a table.

Results – The result showed a minimal level of awareness of the concept of sustainable development among the study participants. Also, elements of sustainable development were notably integrated into the technical education curriculum, albeit sparingly. Furthermore, the result showed that integration of elements for sustainable development in the process of preparing students of technical teacher education were practiced rarely and occasionally.

Conclusion – A low level of awareness and implementation was revealed among the study group regarding the concept of education for sustainable development, and that this could negatively impact the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Keywords: sustainable development, education for sustainable development, technical and vocational education, awareness, implementation of sustainable development.


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