Validity and Reliability of HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) Instrument for Voltaic Cell Subject Using the Classical Method
pp. 53-64 | Published Online: August 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.131.4
Mizzan Ayubi , Jaslin Ikhsan , Vegha Dwi Arthamena , Muhammad Akbar Chaniago , Endar Pradesta
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Background/purpose. Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are conceptually qualified critical-thinking skills, based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Frequently used assessments in schools may not always optimally help learners deal with problems conceptually. The habit of teachers preparing test questions without being based on a test grid, but relying only upon questions sourced from textbooks, can result in students not being adequately trained in higher-level thinking skills. Especially in chemistry subjects, it appears that the ability of students to analyze and solve problems is very low. Materials/methods. This research and development (R&D) study employed the Borg and Gall development model on the research subject of HOTS instruments. The study population was from the Muara Beliti sub-district of Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, Indonesia, and was conducted with 102 students from seventh-grade IPA (International Program on Science Education) classes 1, 2, and 3. Data analysis included tests for validity, reliability, proportion of questions, and discrimination of questions were analyzed according to the classical method. Results. The research found 10 questions to be valid and reliable. The developed HOTS instrument may therefore be effectively employed to measure the high-level thinking ability of high school students in learning chemistry, especially on Voltaic cell material. Tests that utilize HOTS instruments have the potential to encourage students to develop higher order thinking skills in the subject area. |
Conclusion. This study concluded that: 1) The developed HOTS assessment instrument consisted of 10 essay questions that were found to be valid and appropriate in terms of construct, language, and material aspects; 2) Reliability of the HOTS assessment instrument was categorized as high, with a coefficient of .7420.
Keywords: HOTS, Borg and Gall, validity, RnD
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