School Citizenship, Definition and Types: A Conceptualization in the Context of Organizational Citizenship System
pp. 73-99 | Published Online: August 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.131.6
Ali Faruk Yaylacı
Full text PDF | 92 | 40
Background/purpose. In the field of educational management, different approaches and models have been developed to improve the success and quality of educational organizations. However, there is still a need for approaches that are appropriate to the unique characteristics of educational organizations. The concept of “organizational citizenship,” inspired by the relationship between the state and the citizen, can make important contributions to this need. Materials/methods. This paper, which is a theoretical and conceptual discussion aims to outline the concept of school citizenship, thus offering a proposal for a new approach in the field of educational administration based on the organizational citizenship system. It also aims to define school citizenship, types of school citizens, and the school citizenship contract within this context. Adopting organizational citizenship as a central concept, this analysis is expected to contribute to the creation of a meaningful ground for the restructuring of the school as an educational institution. |
Results. This paper attempts to draw the general framework of school citizenship on the basis of organizational citizenship understanding, in which school citizenship is defined, its different types explained, and the general characteristics and stages of the school citizenship contract are discussed. This paper also aims to outline school citizenship based on the organizational citizenship system, with school citizenship types defined and the school citizenship contract emphasized.
Keywords: Organizational citizenship behaviors, civic citizenship, school management, educational management
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