Lebanese Law 220/2000 and Educational Inclusion: A Critical Analysis
pp. 121-133 | Published Online: August 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.131.8
Ali Hussein El Ahmad
Full text PDF | 91 | 40
Background/purpose – The right to inclusive education (IE) for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Lebanon has been affirmed in Law 220/2000, which was passed by the Lebanese parliament in May 2000. However, no mechanisms or execution decrees have been developed to enforce its implementation (Combaz, 2018; Damaj, 2014; Humanity & Inclusion, 2022; Loutfy, 2019), resulting in marginalization and exclusion of students with SEND from mainstream public and private schools in Lebanon (Chamsine, 2013; Frangieh & Ramel, 2019; Khochen-Bagshaw, 2023; Koplewicz et al., 2018). Theoretical, conceptual, and analytical studies on IE in Lebanon are still very limited, with no studies have been conducted and published to date on Law 220/2000 regarding educational inclusion. This paper aims to critically analyze Law 220/2000 regarding inclusion in education for students with SEND in Lebanon. Materials/methods – This study employed critical analysis without empirical data collection and analysis. Results – The study revealed poor implementation of the Law articles on educational inclusion of students with SEND in Lebanese schools, with demonstrably better implementation outcomes in private schools compared to public schools, after more than two decades of its enactment. |
Conclusion – Despite weaknesses due to its limited implementation and impact on students with SEND and their inclusion, Law 220/2000 remains a significant step towards promoting educational inclusion in Lebanon.
Keywords: disabilities, special educational needs, inclusion, law, critical analysis
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