Volume 13 Issue 2 (2024)

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Factors Influencing Intrapreneurship on Firm Performance

pp. 7-35  |  Published Online: December 2024  |  DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.132.1

Ali Kayis, Ismail Aslan, Nurcihan Aslan,


Background/purpose. The literature contains studies that examine the distinct impacts of entrepreneurial orientation and intrapreneurship on various forms of functional performance. This study aims to investigate the effects of the interplay between the concept of entrepreneurial orientation and the notion of intrapreneurship, defined as the embrace of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors by employees —two concepts that share similarities yet differ in key aspects— on the overall performance of the firm.

Materials/methods. The data was gathered from 106 firms operating in the software sector, located within six technology development zones on the Asian side of Istanbul.  The evaluation of the acquired data was conducted using the IBM SPSS 17.0 software.

Results. The findings indicate that the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation (excluding competitive aggressiveness) and intrapreneurship (excluding autonomy and time allocation) within an organization are positively correlated with the overall performance of the firm in various manners.

Conclusion. This paper attempts to fill a gap in the literature by measuring the entrepreneurial levels of Turkish software sector firms, whose numbers have been increasing day by day. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance the existing international literature on these relationships by utilizing a sample from Türkiye. The findings of this research are anticipated to provide valuable insights for managers in the software industry as well as for scholars who will conduct further studies in this area.

Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, intrapreneurship, firm performance, IT sector


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