Evaluation of the Relationship Among Upper Extremity Anthropometric Factors and Grip Strength in Children Diagnosed with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
pp. 36-44 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/unibulletin.2024.132.2
Gülüzar Gül , Tuncay Çolak , Ayla Tekin
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Background/purpose. The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship among anthropometric measurements of the upper extremity, joint range of motion (ROM), and grip strength in children diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP). Materials/methods. The research included 30 children diagnosed with HCP, comprising 18 boys and 12 girls. Anthropometric measurements, ROM, and grip strength of both affected and unaffected sides were measured and analyzed. Results. In children, degrees of ROM and grip strength on the affected side were significantly lower compared to those on the unaffected side (p< 0.05). Positive and strong correlation was observed in the affected sides among radial deviation, thumb/carpometacarpal (CMC) abduction, all anthropometric measurements and grip strength through correlation analysis |
Conclusion. The grip strength of children diagnosed with HCP on the affected side is crucial for their ability to perform daily life activities independently. It is anticipated that exercises focusing on increasing radial deviation and CMC abduction degrees will lead to an improvement in the grip strength of the affected sides.
Keywords: cerebral palsy, grip strength, anthropometry
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